'When God was a Rabbit' by Sarah Winman Review

Dear readers,

This book is a touching story of the brotherly and sisterly bond that spans many years. A positive of the book was that it's supporting characters was as equally beautifully written, to the main characters. In other books, the authors sometimes do not take care of their more minor characters.  However despite the detail that is gone into developing the characters, you are left with some unanswered questions. Other than that, though some criticise that the protagionist Elly, becomes an unlikeable character. Despite this, I feel that it was a benefit actually. As unfair it may be, this happens to people. Some may become less likeable because of the consequences of life. This makes her more realistic.Parts of the story seem very far fetched, although this could be because they are not developed fully enough. The author has crammed many plots into the book, which can make it interesting but leaves less space for her to develop her ideas.
It is a sentimental read which I did enjoy but ultimately  left wanting more. Depending on your personal opinion; this may be to your liking or may annoy you.

Make peace, not war y'all!


P.S Soz readers if I sound a little detached and down, that's because I am sooooooooo tired....
