'One Day' Review by David Nicholls

Dear readers,
How have you been? Me, I've finished another book! This time I read it because, I recently just finished watching the film version. I am talking about the huge hit 'One Day'. Another romance,  are you sensing a theme readers? ;) The book is from the perspective of both Emma and Dexter. Two friends, who soon learn to discover there is more and fall in love, but things end tragically.  (SPOILER ALERT) Here is what my verdict is, although I say this for may of my reviews. The characters are written realistically, it is true. For example Dexter is portrayed as handsome ans charming but arrogant and pompous at times. Whilst Emma is cleverer, more witty, but stroppy at times and very critical. Additionally the book is  both happy, and sad, as well as hysterically funny. This appeals to both men, as well as women. This does make it difficult to place the genre of the book? The format of the book is very different to most books, taking short snapshots of the lives of the protagonists, showing the influential events that affected their friendship, the events usually occurring on July 15 (St Swithin's Day) in 1988. Although perhaps the only fault I can find is that how their friendship began is a little confusing. How and why did it develop, they first meet when having a bad one night stand?  The book, personally is good enough to have made it into my top ten though. But how long before that changes?

Make peace, not war y'all!

