My Top Twelve Of Thing That Just Bug Me!

1)When people judge me. It's 6 in the morning, no I'm not going to be singing the bloody 'Sound of Music' theme tune.

2) Oh I <3 you baby, oooohhhh I luvvvv you babe. U R the best BF in the world. Awww u so cute. But u cuter. No u cuter. Thank you very much, that's enought, now I'm off to vomit in the bucket.  We don't want to hear it?!

3)People who complain about being fat or ugly just to get people to tell them they aren't. Oh right then, go to the gym. No need to yak on about it for 3 hours, whilst being showered with unnecessary compliments.

4)I hate it when people ask stupid questions. Actual quote, "the training day will be 2 days long." "So that's more than 24 hours" Duh....

5)People who don't close doors completely.- it makes no sense. Why leave a door half open, and closed. It's especially annoying when you yell at them, and they don't have the capability of going back to close it PROPERLY!

6) Arrogant, self righteous lying gits. "I had a a relationship with this gal and it was so horrible she broke up with after 6 months saying she was only trying something out I mean seriously...."   
"So you were cheating on your boyfriend with you girlfriend?"
 "No I said May!"
 "So yes you were cheating...."
If you're going to make up a story, at least make it realistic....

7)When girls on facebook post about 50 statuses after a break up- 10 about how broken her heart is, 5 about people need to leave her alone, 35 about how she's moved on.Well if you've moved on, THEN WHY DO WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT?!?

8)When people walk on the back of your shoes and you just want to turn around and punch them but you don't know if it was an accident or purpose because they never say sorry.

9) Teachers who talk down to me and I just want to slug them, but you're expected to respect them and smile. Flippin' hell, barley over 1 minute late, legitimate excuse, and detention. 'After all it's black and white after all'. WHAM! BAM! There's your black and white, your black eye!

10) People unable to eat with their mouths close, I mean we don't want to see your pasta, not to mention hear it euurgggh

11)When you get an exam or test back and this one kid is like "OOOHMYGOD WHATDJA GET?" I tell you if I want, if not then FRICKIN' LEAVE ME ALONE

12)Lending people stationary, I'm totally fine with this, but if you don't return it. Last year I lost a total of 23 pens, pencils colored pencils. I lost count after a while.....


  1. looking back on this im a little scared of myself-some of these are justified some of them scare me whoops Sorry readers!!! im not normally scary please keep reading
    ACK embarassed


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