'The Five People You Meet In Heaven' by Mitch Albom Review

Dear readers,

Lillian checking in once more, I have just finished another book called 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven'. It is by an author called Mitch Albom, and I recommend it, it is a short read, but very interesting.  The story's main character is a maintenance man called Eddie, he is killed whilst trying to save a little girl, after his death he goes into heaven. Here he meets 5 people who may have been strangers or close ones, but significantly impacted on his life. The book is definitely a thought provoking piece. By the end , I was wondering which 5 people I'd met in heaven. It is bound to take you on an emotional journey, beautifully written, it controls the reader's emotions.  However that doesn't mean that the book doesn't hold faults. The book does make the reader cry and laugh (not so much on the laughing though), it holds no actual moral at the end. Perhaps, the only meaning you cant take from it, is that all of us, in some way are connected. The book is full of cliches, and is a little corny. Luckily for me, I <3 corny, and I enjoyed the book thoroughly. But if you want a realistic book on the afterlife, that is (excuse the pun) down to earth then this is DEFINITELY not the book for you.  So to sum up, brilliant author who writes wonderfully, however the plot and the lack of enlightenment of it let me down a little.

Make peace, not war y'al!


