'Hoot' by Carl Hiaasen Review

Dear readers,

I am sorry for my rant today. But some things I feel like I need to get off my chest, anyway the new book that I have finished reading. A relatively short book about a boy called Roy, who is bullied after recently moving. When he sees a mysterious running boy, who runs with no shoes he is pulled into a wonderful mystery that may have him convinced that Florida isn't so bad after all.  At first I was confused by the book's title, gradually understanding. The book, is probably aimed at the younger ages with it's more simplistic writing; but I still found it a pleasant read.  Not particularly heart stirring, but definitely interesting.  The book contains likeable  yet realistic characters, the main especially who is portrayed as caring, kind but smart. The ending, maybe a little disappointing. The ending is a cliff hanger, and maybe some people like that. I don't, I like a firm ending. But Carl, has left it so that readers may ponder about the moral. Overall, a book that is good, but doesn't stand out particularly. Recommended for car journeys (I actually read this in one car journey).

Make peace, not war y'all!


