Music Recommendation-Mulan OST Soundtrack

Dear readers,

It's me AGAIN. This time I've got a recommendation for a soundtrack rather than an artist.
I have always loved Disney, as any normal person does, it's something that's been with our grandparents, our parents, us and most likely will be with our kids. And one of my all time favourite disney movies is Mulan.
Ok, again I will state this all information on this blog is either from wikipedia or just my opinion. I loved Mulan for 3 reasons:
1. Mulan was one of the first disney movies I ever watched, and it impacted my opinion of Disney setting the bar for all future watches
2. Mulan is easily one my favorite 'princesses' she worked to get to the position she was in, was proactive and as a result ended up saving China
3. Mulan is straight up badass

Controversies over how feminist the film is, or how strong a the film was, or how it was contextually incorrect, DUN MATTER TO ME. The way I see it, the film presented a good image or ideal for girls to strive for. Mulan is beautiful, Mulan is strong, and Mulan is smart. She was proactive, and with some small assistance [hahaha pun of Mushu] saved China. I also appreciate the scenes where Mulan is shown to be vulnerable. When she comes back from the matchmaker, and cries when she realizes the inevitability of her father doom, this moment reminds the audience, that despite her optimism and strength later showed on she is in the end a daughter who loves her father.
The film also promotes a good ideal that you should love your family, and do what you can do, the best you can. In this case it means Mulan, should cross dress embark on life changing journey, save China because she can and bring honor to her family.
And Disney makes this film children friendly, entertaining, and as a result has got my thumbs up.

Point I wanted to make was that besides the AMAZING plot line, and execution the film had an amazing soundtrack that should not be neglected. The OST was created by Jerry Goldsmith, and I have just completed revisiting my childhood, this last 1 hour. The titles of the tracks [seriously, who came up with 'Boo'?!] combined with the sheer power the music has conveyed the story to me easily in a new light. Given I've never actually taken the opportunity to listen to the soundtrack on its own, this gave me a new perspective of the film. Before, although I did enjoy the musical singles such as 'Make a man out of you' because that was sheer awesome. I now really appreciate the OST as well, this is a generalization (I am acknowledging that there may be exceptions) but a lot of modern disney films rely on synthesizers and don't use a real orchestra. Or as much, or even so on such a grand scale that this OST did. The drums, the trumpets and the sweet little moments when it was just a flute or erhu solo. This is music I would want to play in my orchestra-haha band geek yeah whatever. As the internet would put it 'THE FEELS'. It's true though, the raw power this music has, adds to emphasis the achievement that Mulan has made by the end of the movie, and I'll repeat this point SHOULD NOT be neglected.

Okay, now I've got the feels out the way here is a link to a youtube playlist with the entire soundtrack-go visit support the youtuber if anything.
And here is my list of recommended tracks:

05-Short Hair [one of my favourites]
10-The Real Work
13-The Doll Survives [the raw emotion and devastation of the battlefield and what it means,
can be felt through the music]
18-Truth all Around [you think it's sweet-wait till you hit the middle SOOO GOOD]
24-Gratitude [the first 30 seconds really shook me as I easily envisioned the scene from the movie]
25-The Pendant
26-The Sword

And to round it all off Im gonna recommend a list of singles where they actually sing you should listen to:

  • Reflection
  • Honor to us All & I'll Make a Man out You [this was recently pointed out to me, because these two song portray the different expectations of the different genders at the time of Mulan's setting and although I'll make a man out you is awesome by itself, I would recommend listening to honor to us all at least once] 
  • This isn't acutally Mulan but Mulan 2 But Lesson No.1 is the song that completes the triology that is Honor to us all and I'll Make a man out you. It completes the final message, as is that when being the best you need to have aspects of strength as well as tranquility.
  • A Girl worth fighting for *just for entertainment's sake

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Love you!
Listen to music it feels good
Lillian Out! 


P.s The picture on the bottom is actually fanart-but it contrasts very well with the album cover for the OST
