Kpop Recommendation-Joo Young

 Dear readers,

Lillian once more here, and I come bearing gifts, although no.1 Christmas was out 2 months ago, and no.2 it's more like a kpop recommendation than anything. The artist I'm recommending today is R&B artist Joo Young-NOT to be confused with Joon Young. Although i am hoping to start looking into Joon Young as well, primarily because I heard about him through WGM.
Ahhhhhh to this day, my favorite, most adorable couple is still Dimple couple- Leeteuk and Sora
Anyway with that little distraction out the way, yes I am recommeding to you arist Joo Young.
This artist actually debuted a few years ago and released his own mini album: 'From me to you'. And this album is fab-otherwise I wouldn't be here promoting it.
The album consists of 6 tracks, where one track differs with a rap version, the other only being vocals.
When I first listened to the song 'From me to you' the first word that hit me was jazz.  His voice is beautiful! There's a lovely trill at 2:00 that summarizes the chills I felt when I first heard this song. It's beautifully slow, and all you want to do is SWAAAYYYY.
I also really enjoyed listening to 'This is a break up', there are no striking guitars, or beating of drums, it is a nice return to traditional love ballads that AREN'T ALWAYS ACCOMPANIED BY ACOUSTIC GUITAR. I have nothing against acoustic guitar, it's just that there's just something incredibly moving about gentle and legato piano playing, as a pianist myself I have to say I have a lot of piano music on my ipod, and nothing gets me more than hearing a little bit of classical in a pop song. Whether it be violin, cello or in this case piano. It's the most gentle song on the album and is a close second place song. The beauty in this song is in the simplicity of it's execution-there is no sudden break and mad rush for the drums it's just him and the piano throughout. For example Jason Walker's [I KNOW,  I really shouldn't bring in american music into a kpop review but still] started out with a beautiful piano and cello accompaniment, then came the drums, and the guitars and it was too much and simply overwhelmed the song. The song is still worth checking out. But again, I preferred this song a lot more in terms of it being a love ballad.

This wasn't actually my favorite track on his album, my favorite track was 'Hang up the phone'. Unfortunately I was unable to find the english translation of these lyrics and am unable to break them down. But the general gist I can assume is that Joo Young is pleading with the girl to put down the phone, and come to him....etc. I have to say the title is interesting and grabbed my attention, the song opens with a double bass being plucked which always means the song is going to be jazzy. The piano accompaniment play slightly offbeat discordant chords, which adds to the general atmosphere that is created by the song, and helps emphasis the confidence that the singer of this song and the lyrics have. If that made no sense that's ok as long as you go out and SUPPORT THIS ARTIST.

Hyorin & Joo Young
His other works include his single release: Popstar in 2013. The song is upbeat, retains some of his jazzy vibe but mixes in new electronic sounds, that resembles that of Daft Punk. This song was also very popular with me. However the MV has only 130,000 views or so and it deserves more.
He also has collaborated with
Lyn for "High Heel." Lyn being another R&B artist meant that the song turned out brilliantly.  And he has also done a cover for George Benson's "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" which has already reached and passed 260,000 views which is impressive. But if this number can go higher, then I would want it to go higher.

More recent activites include his collaboration with Mad Clown for the single 'Hide and Seek' which is now out on Mad Clown's album. Additionally he collaborated with kpop diva Hyorin of Sistar to create 'Erase', whilst the song also features the rap of Iron otherise known as Jung Huchul. But more prominently he has also releaed his MV for his cover of Jeff Bernant's 'Call you mine'. Again the hint of jazziness is there, and it is worth checking out. This video was released July 2014, but only has 500,000 views, this song deserves more!
Finally only 2 days ago, on 4 Feb 2015 Starship Entertainment released an MV for a new collaboration between Mad Clown, Joo Young, Giriboy and various other trainees called 'No Mercy'. The MV is pretty awesome, and there is a 'sick beat'. *accompanying hand flick optional. 'Cause I have so much swag obviously -_-

SO to round off my recommended list of listens:
-Hang up the phone (rap version or vocal it doesn't matter they're both good)
-This is a break up
-From me to you
-Hide and Seek ft. Mad Clown
-  No Mercy 

And LOOK UP HIS OTHER COVERS. Please this guy deserves more attention, he's amazingly talented, and his album is tastefully good. It includes music that'll make you want to dance, but also dance outside of a club.
Please note all information that has been posted has
a) come from the internet
b) is purely opinion 

Anyway drop a comment, i love hearing from my "avid" readers.

당신을 사랑합니다
Love you!
Listen to music it feels good
Lillian Out! 

P.S Interesting fact any of you fans of B1A4, well apparently this guy is close friends CNU, if that helps at all......just saying.......

MV for Giriboy, Mad Clown and JooYoung
