Kpop Recommendation-Hotshot

Dear readers,

Again, I am here-hope you're all doing well. Still with cold, damn it. But also with writing inspiration-or youtube inspiration. Point is I'm here today writing about recently debuted kpop artist Hotshot, they debuted last October 2014. But I have taken it upon myself to increase the no. of kpop artists I listen to, which brought me to them. I'm looking to see what I'm investing my loyalty, and fandom to. 
I watched their MV for their debut song: Take A Shot, and the song is CATCHY. It's got a catchy beat, that makes it the ideal song to exercise to.
I really liked the song, and the MV, despite being black and white, I really liked their presentation of it.
The MV was interesting, without being extreme in terms of props, colors etc and instead focuses mainly on their singing/rapping abilities. Alternatively they released a dance version, which I had to watch twice in order to asses their dancing abilities. [Again, I am just a blogger, who is stating her opinion] the dance was clean, with neat simple moves, with more elaborate footwork. Why did I have to watch it twice? In order to see who's voice belonged to who. Turns out the song is kick started with a solo from their leader Junhyk. His vocal skills clearly showing through, out of the member's vocal wise I have to say I really liked leader's voice, although Yoonsan's skills as a singer come through. Yoonsan is their main singer.
They made good use of the fact their song with each segment clearly being delegated to one member, and similar to lots of groups who can dance well, and sing well live, they maneuvered themselves in order to allow the soloist to take up the front position.

When it comes to breaking down the lyrics: *fun fact: the lyrics were actually written by members of the group, and all members contributed to producing their debut song. Personally I really like the shout out line in this song 'take a shot'. 
Currently studying shakespeare, and this line can be taken in three ways like a quibble [haha slipping in a little lingo there]: as in to take a shot as in alcohol-the song's upbeat resembles the kind of song to put on at a party, as in to take a shot like a camera shot saying they will surely be successful, or to take a shot at them. As in to aim at them, whether this be to take a shot on them and believe in them, or at them [criticism].
The lyrics were, similar to their name a declaration to the world that they were going to make a big splash in this industry as possible. The lyrics explicitly describing themselves as hot shots, previously they described hot shots as people being talented as well as people with influence.  2014 was the year for breakout rookies to emerge, and a major turning point/year for the kpop industry. With such  a blatant challenge to the world I really look forward to seeing what this group of so called 'hotshots' have to say. 

I was also interested to know that this group released a webtoon [HOTSHOTTOON] in order to present the trials they went through in order to get to where they are:  
This link will show you to the translated introduction, unfortunately I was unable to find the translated english version of HotShot, but I will keep searching. For someone like me who really enjoys webtoons and mangas, this idea really appealed to me. Also I appreciate the idea that even before their debut they're working hard to secure fans.
This group I'm really looking forward to, I want to see a larger album next time, preferably more than one single, aish, so there's definately room for variety. This song was upbeat and catchy, next time I hope to see something with a slower beat i.e. a love ballad, I ♥ love ballads, and I ♥ love ballads sung
by cute guys. If they got me this excited with only one single, I'd love to see what they could do with a whole album.

Let's see what they can do.

당신을 사랑합니다
Love you!
Listen to music it feels good
Lillian Out! 


P.s Below is a link to youtube video of a nice little introduction to WHO HOTSHOT really are, and their ambitions etc.  Recommend to all those who are now interested in this rising group


P.s #2 I have dibs on Kid Monster-he's adorable no?

