You're An Anime Otaku because.....

Dear readers,
Lillian checking in once more, hope you guys are doing well. Here's what's on the agenda: otakus.
As you know I love the internet-and you tube is a paradise. I recently finished watching a reaction to Mememe by fine bros.
Spoiler:It's an animation and though the message may have got to you through a rather bizarre method it is a criticism of otaku life.
This got me thinking about as to whether or not I'm an otaku or not and to what extent is being an otaku unhealthy.
If you're not familiar with the term otaku, おたく, it translates into the word mania or enthusiast, but has become associated with meaning geek or nerd.  More than often it is used as a means of defining an anime lover. This is TECHNICALLY INCORRECT.  By the way Stereotypically we are assumed to be the glasses wearing [actually I do wear glasses thank you very much], not-so-stylish [what’s wrong with wearing jeans all the time], pocket-protector wearing, man or woman that keeps to themselves and is so into a subject (usually academic or electronic) that they barely notice the world around them. They are, more often than not, considered to be a bit awkward in social settings. [ok alright I’m weird-but I’ll tell you this there is such a thing as a socialable otaku-so don’t start panicing if it turns out you are an otaku] As I said before, otaku is enthusiast so can be used as a reference to anyone who is particularly fanatic about anything. But I'm not going to get caught up in the technicalities.
Either way this blog post is a list of events that you may or may not have possibly committed that might indicate that you are an otaku-in this post 'll be using myself as a reference-myself who is a manga and anime fanatic. 

These are twenty two warning signs that you’re very possibly becoming or have become an Otaku:
Any of these ringing a bell?

1. If you’ve ever had an anime night or day [Im not prejudiced ;) ] that’s lasted more than 2 hours- This means you’ve watched more that 6 anime episodes [if each episode is 20 minutes]…in one night. And if you’ve watched without breaks and am thinking right now 6 episodes? Is that enough? Having finished reading this

2. If you’ve considered or have named your pet as your favourite character: I wanted to name my fishes: Kuroko, Izaya, Zoro and Law.

3. If to you the holy ground is Japan, whereas everyone else would rather go visit the Eiffel Tower you’d rather visit Akihabara (Electric Town)

4.If you get recommended a series and binge watch all 50 episodes-because if you start it it’ll be too painful if you’re left on a cliff hanger [Been there; Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Still waiting on: Kuroko No Basket Season 3 COME ON!]

5. If you’ve paid more $75 or £50 on anime merchandise: Me? Six seasons of bleach, full season of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Samurai Champloo, all the Studio Ghibli films and my shopping basket is filled with more than 25 different anime tshirts I just NEED. I plan on expanding my closet……

6. If your Ipod or music player has more than three to five songs from an anime or video games. I’ve got over 100. Personal favourite; Chu Bura by Kelun [Bleach] Trust Me by Yuya Matsushita [Durarara!]  Ryuusei (Shooting Star)  by TiA [Naruto]and Style by Kana Nishino [Soul Eater] and when you attempt to sing the opening theme songs from your fav animes! ^-^ or at least hum ! >.<

7. If you exercise or go running and imagine yourself being a video game or anime character. I am not ashamed to say that I have envisioned myself mimicking Sanji’s sky walk several times when I very occasionally go running. [I have sometimes personally whispered you are a ninja of the leaf you can overcome this…..take that as you will]

8. If you’ve ever cried during an anime- If you’re so into the story that it drives you to tears, it might be an indicator that perhaps you’re a bit too caught up in anime land-when Ace died it was like I had my heart ripped out of me and had little needles pushed into it
Is this you??

9.  You start freaking out [in a good way] when the new episode comes-I practically had a breakdown when I learnt they were doing a 3rd season for Kuroko No Basket. I will forgo classes to watch the new episode of One Piece, even though you know it is futile. When the To Continue sign comes on and you get equally excited as well as pissed.
Granted when the sign that comes on is The End I will break.

10. If someone makes you angry, and you glare at them really hard and say…”Sharingan.” Or furiously write their name in your book and wait……………

11. If you watch Japanese anime in the original Japanese voices but have no intention of learning the language. I talk smack about dubbing-because if you think about it really doesn’t sound right. Alternatively the manga is usually always better than the anime.

12. If you’ve ever had a fantasy about a cartoon or comic book character- I’m sure it’s more common that people think…not that I ‘ve done it or anything. Bishies they’re everywhere and so are the possibilities!

13.You’ll complain about the fillers-but secretly love the little side stories that show a different side to your favourite characters (⌒_⌒;)

14. You have your own victory pose-nothing more to add

15. If you have accidentally opened your book from right to left when it’s not a manga

16. When it bothers you that people call Avatar: The Last Airbender anime (technically, the animators are Korean and were influenced by Japanese animation style). They were even Asian-American so you can't even make the stretch. Just because it is set in an Asian based world with some stylistic themes, doesn't make it anime. DUH! BAKA

17. When you start to bow to your teachers, and drop the occasional Japanese word in such as baka, kawaii, tadaima or arigato. SUGOI!!! ^_^

18.You burn with passion when talking about anime, manga, games, doujin, idols, and other otaku related goodness.

19.You know you're an Otaku when you bother to actually carefully read lists that are supposed to tell you if you're an Otaku. ...Guilty.

20.You know you’re an otaku when you daydream how the next episode is going be like or next season-I’m fairly certain Oda just pops a few goes to sleep, then writes what he dreams about……-not that I have anything against that because what he comes up with is AMAZING! SUGOI!

21.You know when you’re an otaku when you’re a member of every site that has anything to do with anime =.= *sigh* {Any otakus out there reading this Myanimelist: Come Join Us}

22.When it’s anime NOT CARTOONS

Okay not to freak you out kids, but if any of these apply to you-there’s a very good chance that you’re an otaku-or at least an anime otaku. But that’s ok because all I have to say is:

Come to the dark side, we have crazy good looking bishies who will make you nose bleed.

Megane bishie! HAWT
 With that last, slightly bizarre ending comment, I say I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed putting it together-isn’t it fun recollecting and cringing over all the little bizarre things you did and frankly still do. 

And there's more-aren't they pretty don't you want more????

 By the way if any of you by any chance are already otaku, and were just reading this for fun to reaffirm your way of life feel free to check me out on:

I signed onto this site a year ago, and I'll admit this one of the best decisions I made as an otaku-I can discuss and find new anime and manga every day whereas before I had to rely on Yahoo-oh the great improvements I've made

This is where all the weirdness began.....

Listen To Music It Feels Good
Read manga and watch anime because it’ll drive you insane [in a good way]


Ok just to let you know this is ONE PIECE-remember the name
 The Otaku World of Anime and Manga-where there's badass 

And then there's hawtness-in this world its ok for this many hot dudes to like one girl [more bishies!]
Uta no Prince Sama 100% or 200%
