Recommendation iof Kpop Cover Artist-Silv3rT3ar

Dear readers,

Hope all of you are enjoying your New year's Days.
I wouldn't want to wrench you guys away from your new year's festivities so I'll be quick.
If you've been keeping up with my posts you'll know that I've recently been recommending-promoting Kpop.
If any of you have heeded my wise words and have indeed come to the dark side-then you'll probably already know or have listened to some of EXO's songs.
In case you haven't-boohoo-then refer to my post about the SM artists that I recommend and learn more about these brilliant and talented boys.
Anyway if you search 'English cover EXO' on youtube this artist will be the first on your search. She's really good-her translations are as close to the Korean meaning [sometimes there can be mistranslations or Korea may have words that in English we don't] but still correcting any necessary changes in order to make sense of it. Other cover artists may do a direct translation, and the grammar sometimes doesn't make as much sense.
Anyway her voice is incredibly good and she's done a great number of covers.
Highly recommended!

Well that's all from me for today-probably unless I decide to write some more
Here's a handy link to her channel on youtube:

Hope 2015 is good to you.

당신을 사랑합니다
Love you!
Listen to music it feels good
Lillian Out!
