Why we Hate Pop Music- or more specifically the industry REBUTTAL

Dear readers,

I'm back!!! And with a cold-as a result am ignoring the exam I have on Monday and instead here writing this blog post. Again youtube has brought me here-Sourcefed has recently posted a video on why we-I'm assuming "we" is a reference to teenagers and upwards-hate pop music. We used to love pop music, or popular music, and still a majority do: evidently seeing as Taylor and Kesha are still in whatever MTV Top 40, 50, 100 etc. But there is also a growing majority of people who seek the alternatives, and would rather have their ears cut off than listen to pop music-although many claim it's a similar sensation.
So I'll let you in on a secret, in school, people sometimes refer to me as headbanger, why? Because I almost ALWAYS have my headphones in. Why? Because the world is such an over cluttered, and chaotic place and I just need to shut out the negativity, and channel the real, and positive emotions you can FEEEEEELLLLL from the music.

This is too accurate

All that-----saracasm. In case you haven't noticed with my excessive use of es and ls in feel. Although it is it true that music can make me feel good, but not because of the lyrics simply because it sounds good.  Right, down to the point what is my opinion on pop music? I got it on my itunes and some of it's good or I enjoy listening to it or maybe it's like background music, I don't derive anything from it I just listen because it's there I HAVE VERY LITTLE HATE OR LOVE towards it, I just freakin' dislike the person who makes it sings it. I mean everyone who reads this blog already knows I really enjoy listening to Kpop, and although there are differences, in the end it is pop music, but as to whether I live my life based on it, I don't live my life based solely on it.
Other reasons why we apparently hate it?

1. It's not original, or it's generic.
Most pop songs these days are about wild partying, getting drunk, other boring overused topics, etc. Of course there is still some decent pop music out there, I'm just talking about today's generic pop. Then there's all they do sing is about love and again it sounds the same, it's so boring blah blah blah. There are only so many ways you can say the words 'I love you.' Ok, then people hate on it when it's original and sweet, because then it's too fake??? 
True there is an abundance of love songs in pop music-however as Haynes points out the beatles used the word love 613 times. There gotta be a lot of love there. it's just no feelings why??????
Well...apparently we don't.
eneric. It sounds all the same. Well of course it does, what appeals to the market, is what appeals. Why do thousands of people like dub step, because they do. That's all there is to it. I like Kate Perry's 'This is how we do' because the lyrics make no sense, and I can nod my head along to it without having to think too hard. Although it's a given I can only listen to the song three times on repeat perhaps only twice, before I shut it down. Because there's a thin line between catchy and annoying. This is why we have so many artists with very slight variations on the original track
This is me picking out on little comments that annoy me.

2.It's not written by them. Ghost writers, etc. We've heard it before, but I don't feel too negatively about this. In fact if you want to know my optimistic view about it: these singers are using the material that other write who are unwilling or unable to portray or express themselves. Otherwise we would be having a law suit over copy rights etc. That was bad grammar, but my point is we all have our strengths and Bieber [as much as I do want to cut him-my hatred of him second only to King Joffery, if you don't get this Game of Thrones reference, have you been living under a rock?] has  a voice that appeals to people [at least little girls] so why not utilize it?
Although it would be great if these people were given more credit. This is my optimistic. I'm TRYING to provide a fair balance, so I also add this: it would be also be nicer if artists were ACTUALLY artists. That way MAYBE we would feel more moved by the songs they sing.  
It pains me to have his image on my blog.

3.Pop music is the same and safte-it's intro, verse, chorus, verse, verse key change, attempt at falsetto and half chorus, don't fix what's not broken.  By the way it's not just pop music, a lot of alternative bands follow this pattern, and it's because it works. Again I will appeal this argument: it sounds good and it requires little thought. It's the same reason why people hate cliches, because it hurts to point out but the reason they're cliches is because people repeatedly use them and YET they still work.
Hated, merely for being pretty
I realize that one and three are pretty much the same just felt the need to rephrase, and further develop.

4.There are 5 members who actually plays an instrument? It's true-i hate to do this-but here's a cliche- One direction, one member can play, and it's freaking guitar. OKAY-this one I will argue for. It does annoy me when people with yes very little musical knowledge, {frankly I bet none of them know what adagio, ritardando or legato means} and still are able to make millions. Yeah this one peeves me off. They're not a band, unless it's a boy band. That's a reason to dislike the music, not hate.

5.Live performances not live. This one also peeves me off, this is me hating the music industry more than the music itself. I'm fine buying the album, and listening to it whilst I do my shiz, just when I go to a concert I expect to hear real voices, at that point in time not poor recording of them. 

6.Did you see that in the news. Yeah, haters gonna hate, myself included. Do I like Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, 50 cent or Chris Brown as people. F-ing NO. I dislike their arrogance, smugness and just general personality. On the other hand, who's writing about who because they so freakin' famous. And another thing, do I actually know any of these people personally? No not really? It's really irrational for me to hate them simply because of what the news says about them, granted Im sure out of the four I mentioned one of them really is a douchebag but it's not really right of me to judge.
This is the same conclusion Haynes came to, we hate a lot of pop music  largely because of the person who sings it which means we listen to it with a frame already in our mind. Which is why I try to avoid reading about the people's music that I listen to, because then Im close minded and will probably make judgements on the musical quality based on the person's quality.  
F no do I like this guy.

My point is-pop music is NOT REAL MUSIC. BUT it is a means of entertainment, and there is merit to that. True there are probably pop artists who do actually have geniune musical talent, and that there are those out there who do write their own lyrics e.g. Bruno Mars [who is less hated or not hated im a little unclear about the general populations opinions  which changes like every five seconds-little bit like me] and Lady Gaga [who's hated more than anything because she's out of the ordinary-not that I have anything against it].
More than anything we probably dislike it because they get so much recognition, when there are other artists of different genres, who are truly talented but don't get recognized. Most pop artists don't sing good live and their music isn't technically 'music' it's all machine, and the lyrics are repetitive and all about the same things. I'll repeat what I said at the beginning of the post, I don't harbor any particular passionate feelings towards it, such as hate or love, it just isn't 'good music' or to me it's just background music I'll listen to occasionally.
If anyone by the end of this has ACTUALLY read everything, then thought for food: the main people to blame for this music continuing is really our generation, we buy the music, and it's a self perpetuating cycle that is drive by THIS generation.
Im not a music critic, im just a everyday girl who happens to want to voice her opinion. Feel free to comment, i love reading about things i didn't pick up on 

BREAKING NEWS though : Metal is the new in these days it seems? I was only a few days ago recommended the likes of Slipknot and so on. Their music video was different, and so was their music I think I'll try that next.     
Maybe you should do too, before you're boycotted by hipsters, and anyone who seems to have an opinion these days. Awww I don't know my head hurts just thinking about it.

I feel the video below will emphasis the point of repetition very clearly to everyone. Please watch if not simply for the sake of entertainment if you've just scrolled past all the writing.

I just went on Gigwise :http://www.gigwise.com/photos/71807/1/the-50-most-hated-music-stars-of-all-time#gallery in order to grasp who's hated and apparently who's not. Im still very confused, but these people who hate, because I feel they

Listen To REAL  NON POP Music It Feels Good
BUT feel free to listen to pop music if that's what makes you feel good


P.s Isn't it hilarious? I went on my blog to get away from work that would give me a headache now I have a even bigger head pain and neck pain and just general brain pain.
Oooh that rhymed go me!!!!

Just to clarify-all the singers etc down below I don't dislike particularly except 50 Cent-the captions are all just public opinion
Even Rebecca Black, i don't really dislike     


Hated.......Just hated Friday, friday f-ing firday
Signed at 14-now 25 still singing about the same thing
Type in Miley Cyrus-tongue selfie and OMFG
Two for Taylor cause this was hilarious
Hated for shaking her booty everywhere, including in haters faces
Smug, generic hated apparently, didn't realize
50 Cent, not pop but a rapper which is equally hated, but whenever I listen to his music, I will be annoyed  purely because of this tweet-homophobic tawat

