Why Kpop Is Amazing

1.You THINK American pop is catch. But that's only because you haven't heard enough kpop


Enjoy this in your head for the rest of your life! SERIOUSLY YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO NOT SAY FANTASTIC BABY...

They're happy, colorful and the craziness of the videos' concepts demonstrate best how Kpop artists put in as much effort into their song writing as their making their music videos.......

26 Reasons K-Pop Is Better Than American Pop
See G-Dragon’s “Crayon” for a prime example.

3. Kpop videos aren't all just dancing-some kpop videos have some really moving stories
Kpop stars regularly branch out into acting-so their acting IS ACTUALLY GOOD

My Personal Favorite: B.A.P-One Shot & Taeyang's Wedding Dress  



4. Kpop's boy bands are often just as stylized (if not more) that their girl group counterparts
Airport fashion in kpop is a very important- kpop stars work hard to maintain their image

Outside of Work-kpop stars work to look fashionable both men and female

TOP of Big Bang looking fashionable regardless of situation

G-Dragon has been dubbed as being an influential trend setter-not only simply for his music skills but also for his skills as a fashion icon
He even was invited to 2014 Paris Fashion Week
His style is not to be underestimated




5. Kpop stars regularly present themselves as being gender neutral which is BRILLIANT FAN SERVICE

26 Reasons K-Pop Is Better Than American Pop
As always, G-Dragon leads by example.-CRAYON MV

Bet you didn't realize they were guys


Heechul-Super Junior

Shindong-Super Junior


This guy? Leeteuk-Super Junior & by the way 31 years old


Chunji-Teen Top


6. The Girls are badass in Kpop-CHECK OUT AMBER f(x)-one of SM's best rappers
She's pretty, loveable and fierce

Forget Jenifer Lawrence-fall in love with this badass TV personality

26 Reasons K-Pop Is Better Than American Pop





7.They're all SO HAWT------and------DREAMY

26 Reasons K-Pop Is Better Than American Pop
Seen here: T.O.P. (of Big Bang)’s eyebrow.

Then Check Kris' eyebrows

THAT STARE........




Then there's that.....-Eunhyuk super junior



Or this-Sungmin super junior


Niel from Teen Top Approves


8. SCRATCH THAT-When they're not hot they're being dorky cutie pies 

This gif literally sent my heart racing-Siwon Suju







Donghae & Eunhyuk











9.Then there are times when they're just plain random and hilarious

Just that they did it at the same time teehee XD Suju

Leader got cake on his face-Suju

Dafuq Suju

Legendary G Dragon

Niel what are you doing?

Yesung's legendary dancing

Ummmm????? Big Bang?


My thoughts exactly Exo

10. Kpop draws on both Eastern and Western influences for their fashion and their music

The music (and fashion) of K-pop combines elements of Eastern and Western influence.

B.A.P's music has influences from American black rap to the African tribal vibe you can get from their songs e.g. Warrior

11. Kpop girl bands will fill that void within your heart that has been present since the 90s


SNSD-Girl's Generation

Girl's Generation


2NE1-In case the picture didn't make it obvious enough

12. The Girls in Kpop can be as badass and as sexy as they want---it's not just cute it's being awesome that matters

26 Reasons K-Pop Is Better Than American Pop
Not that this is uncommon among American female pop vocalists, but there’s just something so GIRL POWER-y about seeing it done in a group, covered in studs.

Badass takes the form of Global Icon

Sistar-Popular Girl Group looking as sexy as you can get

13. You wish your hair was as fabulous as theirs

K-pop hair is what American pop hair aspires to be two years from now.

1.L Joe is adorable 2. His hair color is purple.......

G Dragon hair that's blue and swabulous (cross between swept and fabulous)

G Dragon-looking hawt and having bizarrely good looking hair-Fantastic Baby MV

Yesung-Pink hair!

G Dragon once again with fabulous hair


Tao-Orange hair that looks like its on fiiirrreeee!

Shindong-greenish blueish hair that looks awesome

WELLLLLLLLLLL..........that's all from me for now anyway be sure to keep updated 

And I hope you liked the pictures as much time as it took me to put this post together!

Peace out XOXO
