Kpop Recommendation-Akdong Musician

Dear readers,

Lillian once again checking in: seems like im cashing in all my writing at the end of the year-hahahaha Laugh too fool.........ok...sorry my humour is a bit weird.
Anyway as the title suggests im giving a kpop recommendation: im just hoping to promote these two because the music they present is really very different from other kpop.
It's AKDONG MUSICIAN-otherwise known as Akmu they debuted this year after winning the second series of K-pop Star they are a duo of two sibling Lee Chanhyuk (18) and Lee Suhyun. (15) {korean age in western age they're 17 and 14}
Actually at first I was a little uncertain of whether to present these two under the title of kpop as their music is as i said before different.
Their music is described by them as healing music whilst the company they are signed to YG Entertainment [yep big fish caught 'em] describes their music to be folk or indie. Kpop is peharps not the right term to describe them as kfolk or kindie [k-indie] i dunno whatever suits you. Their music is very original which is a great difference from many kpop groups.
The best part of theis group is that they auditioned together, and as a result naturally fit together. Because of this you can feel the sincerity of their music, which can be different compared to other groups whose music is for the greater majority of the time is written for them. This is not to say that there aren't artists who write their own lyrics and are able to make the song very much so theirs.  There is also the difference that these groups are are composed of members that were put together by the company their under. I am not hating on these groups either, because over time these individuals will grow closer and become a family and this closeness will show in their songs as their voices become more compatible with each other. It's just that Akmu has the advantage of having this natural feel from the start-their music is cheerful and sweet.
Fun fact: what's more is that the entire album was self produced by these two kids I'm very impressed right now.
 Now I'll rephrase everything I just said in one sentence: they are authentic.
Unlike many kpop artists they have not been trained for years before debutting and as a result the charisma and lovely playful relationship these two show when performing are all really what they are like.
Likewise they haven't been trained on how to act in front of the camera. However this does not dampen Suhyun's acting ability as she portrays the best 3rd wheel of all time in their MV 200%.
This is another aspect to love of these two -aside from Suhyun's acting during the MV I have to praise their likeable relationship, shown by the two siblings as they play with each other.
The playfulness and cutness of their relationship shows through their music.
It's music that will make you want to put on repeat on your ipod- or at least i did.

During 200% these two portray their loving relationship
Here's a list of recommended songs:
  • 200%
  • Give Love
  • Melted
  • Time & Fallen Leaves [this song is so beautiful i have no idea why there is no mv here's hoping]
  • Galaxy
  • Little Star
  • Cover of Eyes Nose Lips
  • Cover of Rolling in the Deep
  • Cover of One of a Kind

 The last three aren't part of their album- and rather are covers YG has sponsored or songs they did whilst on K-pop Star and can be found on youtube I recommend also listening to the originals in order to see the differences between the two:

Well I look forward to seeing what Akmu or Akdong Musicians do in 2015 hoping for a comeback and see everyone else in 2015!!!!

당신을 사랑합니다
Love you!
Listen to music it feels good
Lillian Out!
