Working 'The Write Factor'

Dear Readers,

As requested I am writing about my time as an intern at a tiny, adorable little publishing company called 'The Write Factor'. Situated in the middle of nowhere (well, actually it's just really far out in Hartland - has anyone heard of it?) the company is housed in Lorna's house, Lorna being the boss of 'The Write Factor'.
The house is next to a forest, bursting with the vibrant sounds of nature, making it easy to forget the usual turmoil of this urbanized world. Whilst there I was able to truly appreciate the full meaning of 'peace of mind'. The house is as beautiful inside as it it outside. I love every little detail of it, from the red paintwork on the bricks to the natural ease of its slight eccentricity! Bursting with souvenirs from around the world, it is a modern day 'Alice in Wonderland' setting. The house is suffused with extravagant ornaments and has a certain cosiness that so many homes today lack.
My "office" is placed at the front of the house opposite a huge set of windows that allow the sun to shine on me warming me even as I tap away on my laptop. (You can see me typing away with a Facebook picture posted)

Lorna is a wonderful person, and a brilliant boss. Flexible and understanding, she allowed me to work without constant supervision. She has taught me so much too! Before, all that I knew about publishing was only what I had read online in articles and books. But now having spent time with Lorna I have been firmly assured that this is a lifestyle that I would enjoy! I have learned about proofreading and researching for how to design the book and how the book is put together. I have also learned details such as how the font works and why sometimes the design of the book is  put before the content and vice versa. I also learned a lot about social networking and social media. I was put to the task of managing The Write Factor's twitter account as well as overlooking the Facebook account. It was kind to have been handed this responsibility and for that I thank Lorna. And on my third day as an intern, Lorna was kind enough to take me out to lunch. We chatted and enjoyed a panini as well as some rocky road; in my opinion, a lovely way to conclude my work experience. If Lorna is reading this, then I thank her for being such a great boss and for giving me a wonderful experience. On my last day I was told to research companies to submit a potential best seller novel, this has excited me and I can't wait to read it. Lucky me! I was also told to finish this blog post, so I hope readers you enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed my time here. So any readers who happen to be aspiring publishers and are looking for a great internship now you know!  Contact Details are below for all applicants!!

Thanks for reading this report! XOXO


Lorna Howarth
The Write Factor
Home Lodge

Devon EX39 6DS

01237 440268
