'The Gone Series' by Michael Grant Review

Dear readers,

If you're reading thanks for checking in again. Sorry I things have been so hectic that I have been unable to properly post a review. However this post will be worth it! This review is about the award winning series 'Gone'! If you haven't read it I say go check it out the library now, or at least reserve it. Easily one of the best series (in my opinion of course) after the Harry Potter Series. It is a sci-fi genre type of book, and focuses on the lives on teenagers who have been thrust into a world where the adults have vanished and anyone over 15 instantly vanishes too. As each book cover indicates, the teenagers struggled with severe problems that even adults today struggle with. Hunger and a lack of food resources, the supposed rise of a deeply buried evil as well as the prejudiced fear of those who have developed certain mutations. The stories are jam packed with excitement and fight scenes. Powerful emotions run high, anger and nervous break downs are a regular occurrence. Not for the faint hearted to read, but at the end of each book, would it be a spoiler to say that the problem has been somewhat resolved? But may I say not without certain casualties.  Not interested already? I say SAY WHAT!!! Well maybe this will get you keen, the books' characters are all simply amazing. Grant is amazing, each and every character had been written so that they really  are life life. The main character Sam Temple has a darker side that many of us don't see, maybe Caine won't be all that he's cracked up to be. Is there redemption for those who have sinned. Maybe there's still a chance for Orc, and Drake to repent. Or is it possible that evil can take the form of someone so young? Are any of my readers Gone series fanatics already? If so, and you have already read through some of the books, I am happy to say that the final book 'Light' is one that won't be a disappointment.  Grant has mastered the art of twisting and turning and the book will blow your mind. Will your character survive? Will your character change? What surprises await you? I can't tell so you'll just have to read the books!

Happy Reading!

Make peace, not war y'all!


