Review Dr Who Season 10 Episode 2 ; Smile

Hey folks,

It's been ages since I've updated this blog - I could make excuses but I doubt any of you would take the excuse I got lost on the path of life, even if it's the truth. (Naruto reference Wooo! Still got the anime fan in me!)
Whilst I was doing my wondering I found myself back at one path I hadn't touched for many years. The path of time travel in relative dimensions in space. If you haven't clocked it yes! I went back to my old geeky roots as a Whovian. Before any fandom I was a complete fangirl for the raggedy man, the last time lord, the forever protector of Earth: The Doctor.
I rewatched the entire modern series, aka from the start of the Russel T Davies era, only skipping over season 9 cause to be frank I dabbed my toe in that pool and I was none too happy. (I'm on neutral grounds with it, well perhaps with a slight bias to negative)
To be blunt my body wasn't made for many things including exercise, and overly dark and complicated plots. I like dark plots. I like complicated plots too. Just not Season 9s. So why did I return?
(Hint: the picture below should give you a clue ;) )

Cause I have a hopeful feeling for the new season, rewatching all the episodes with Rose, Martha Donna, and even Amy meant I became very aware of how BBC the whole series was, or rather how the special effects - lines and plots were are all rather simple and yes accessible for children.
All aren't criticisms, but rather are what I believe makes Doctor Who so enticing, it's time travel but not with too many rules, it's monsters but with a camp flair that keeps it PG friendly, and it's the chemistry between companion (s) and the Doctor, the quick quips and wit that will surely spawn a new generation of sarcastic imitators.
I know where I picked up my tendency to spew words as fast as I can.
It also meant I became more aware of my taste as a Whovian, which episodes I liked, what kind of Monsters and what kind of companion I wanted and the atmosphere.
And this season seems to indicate a return to what made Doctor Who the stuff of my childhood.

I'm reviewing Smile because the Pilot never counts, well it does but in the first episode we're still in the midst of establishing who is staying, who's the companion, what mind set is the Doctor in etc
Smile gives us a glimpse into how our team actually operates, and is a good reflection on the coming episodes:

Let's take a selfie


-->Bill is sweet, she is already setting out to look like a fantastic companion. There's never been a companion I've distinctly disliked but Bill has several features that make her stand out a little bit more than the last run of companions, or are reminiscent of old favoured partners.
First Bill is young, I know all the companions are at varying ages and relatively are young (at least relative to the Doctor) but Bill is actually my age, and as much as I appreciate Amy and Donna's fiery passion which matches my own it's hard to fully relate to her when there's more than likely a decade between us.
With age comes trendiness, her fashion is on point and she gets emojis. She seems to be a stark contrast to the Doctor (as almost all companions are) - where he rolls his eyes she looks on with glee. Their differing personalities make a good play off each other. She hails a return to the kind of companion in the vein of Rose Tyler with her down to earthness, keen and cheerful sense for exploration ("You're a great tutor") and compassion for those who are hurt.
Her smartness is also a good catch (I now want a shirt with  the words "penguin's butt on fire" ASAP) and she asks the right questions so the Doctor can shine, but also the kind of questions that we the audience would like to ask (seriously though why put chairs in the tardis when they seem a little redundant?)

Cute but deadly
--> The Enemy is quirky. The robots - or interfaces aren't particularly terrifying, in fact I wouldn't mind having a mini figurine of them. And their mini counterparts are merely represented as a swarm of flying robots similarly to a swarm of bees, which in real life would be the scariest shit, but on screen not so much.
But their intentions are disturbing enough, a kindness and a need to satisfy that will end up devouring you, it's far from an original concept. The last few yrs have spawned many a dystopian piece that underscore the failure of technology to connect properly to human needs. But because it's simple, it also means we grasp on quickly. I enjoyed it despite it's clicheness, the script made it funny (with a few phrases to make a girl chuckle) and I appreciate they tried to make the enemy a little less 2D. Giving us an understandable reason why they acted the way they did, unless you want to get pedantic. And to be fair, I was interested to see how the Doctor would play this out, in true Doctor fashion he does ultimately show understanding (not quite compassion) and helps play referee to an ending we'll discuss right now.

The Doctor would make a kick ass referee, we already know he can play football well enough


--> Cop out ending: Spoiler kind of, the ending was a cop -out. We jest that the Doctor's screwdriver will get him out of any pickle, and I'm usually able to brush it off. But this blantant off - on type ending seems rushed and a little less than smart. I'm not saying I hate it, cause I don't. It's so simple it could almost be called smart. Almost.
I appreciate it's bitter sweetness, which sets a tone for how the oncoming episodes will unfurl but I will wrap this con up by saying for every positive you find with the end, there's a flaw to match.

--> Nardole? Nardole's character is entertaining, as shown in the special he's got comedic timing, and he's a coward, but a funny one. (I never want to watch a Tivolian again) But he only showed up for 15 mins of the Pilot, and maybe a minute in 'Smile'
His presence can be be down to his acting as an anchor to the Doctor, as we're made aware in this episode that the Doctor needs to stay on Earth for some reason. He has assumed the role of "Butler?" or "stand-in-mom" it seems and his lines are funny, but again those lines are few. His purpose will need to emerge soon, otherwise his being there, or rather lack of being there, soon will become a permanent con for the season.

Overall would I recommend you check out Smile? Yes absolutely, it was fun, the special effects - enemy wasn't too campy, it had a light hearted tone that hailed what made me glad I watched Doctor who when the Russell Era was airing, it's a good glimpse into  why Bill is such good companion material (although I'm  looking forward to the dynamic of them as a trio) but it still has chilling edge to it that marks why I still watch Dr Who to this day.

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Love you!
Listen to music it feels good
Lillian Out! 
