Wassup readers,

I am typing this at the shocking hour of 8pm, yet I feel like I'm typing at 12pm. So I'll keep this blog post short and simple: I doubt any of you readers realise I have a account at website Movellas. Check it out, if you haven't already mentally taken note of the site. If (and I really do hope) any of you readers are budding writers then join and help promote your own written work. And whilst you're at, please check in at Neonfun's account and check out my movella 'The Yellow Hippo'. Sounds like a dumb name, but what do they say don't judge a book by it's cover? Well then don't judge a story by it's title. Here's a short segment of the story. Enjoy....

Katie POV
Who was this new Ximena, who'd put on make up, who actually talked and was actually kind of cool and nice. Who was this girl that encaptured both Rudy and Amos' attention?  Who was this girl that kept RUDY's attention. I wanted to snarl when he casually rested an arm around her shoulders.
What was this? Urggghhh I hated it when I got jealous. Why did I need to feel like I needed to have everything?
Well he is my friend, so I have a right to be jealous.
But he's JUST a friend, not some piece of meat whose fate should be decided by me.
I don't want her hurting my friend though. He actually seems to like her. Another slimy tendril of jealousy wrapped around my stomach.
Wait did i just get jealous over Rudy? That's it you're not his friend you have a crush on him.
No I don't, I have a wonderful and loyal boyfriend sitting next to me. Yes we've have only been properly dating for a couple of weeks. But either way I was pretty sure I loved him. So why did I feel this need to go over there and stake my right over Rudy.
Crush or no crush what are you really worried about, that's he not going to be a friend anymore. He'll still be your friend whether he has a girlfriend or not.
But a girlfriend will take up more of his time, and want to spend all my time with him.
Are you INSANE? Did you not just hear yourself. You sound like a married couple. And he is definitely off limits to you. Amos' best friend? Remember?
Yeah, which is why as his best friend's girlfriend I should warn him of any females I think that might hurt him. For example this Ximenam I mean she could be a serial killer for all we know. Before now she's never seemed to talk.
Hold up Ximena, a serial killer?
That's not what I meant.
I know what you meant  and this is wrong. Ximena hurt RUDY? Firstly Ximena wouldn't even hurt a fly not to mention a guy who SHE really likes. And another Rudy? Have feelings to be hurt? This girl was probably just another conquest for him, it's fine. And beside it wasn't like he hadn't been slapped before. And finally CASE CLOSED. No more Rudy and actually try to focus I think she just asked you a question, get to know her you might actually like her.
Wait a moment. Jesus Christ I'm having an argument with myself. I really am going insane.
"Anyone more coffee?" I asked.
Amos stood up "No honey, I'll get it. Hey Ashely your cup looks like it needs a top up. Come with me?"
Ashely obliged. Why was she getting up. Doesn't she know he's my boyfriend? She should keep her claws to herself. Oh wait there I go again.

Well there you have it, want to know more? Check my movella out at



Lillian out!
