'Wonder' By R.J Palacio Review

Dear readers,

Here's another fab book for you to read. Although fab isn't exactly the word I would use to describe it. Moving, heartfelt or incredible are the words I would use. I have read many books that have moved me, and this book was no exception. It's a book based around a boy called August finally entering into the real world after having been sheltered for the whole of his life. This is because of a 'craniofacial abnormality' as they put it in the book.
The book's plot is moving, if by itself. But what truly makes this book a magnificent piece of art (well in my opinion anyway) is how the author portrayed the story. The way she wrote from the perspective of even the most minor of characters allowed us to see the impact August has on their lives.  And each character had a different view, because the trap of writing from different perspective is that the author will begin to repeat herself. But the author does a wonderful job of writing their views. The characters themselves are likeable, and it would be a lie if I said I didn't instantly fall in love with August's character. Brave, courageous, fair but a little stubborn.
If I had a list (which I now think I should start) of all the books you should read before you die, this would currently be resting at the top.

Happy Reading!

Make love not war y'all!


