'Traitors' by Tom Becker Review

Dear readers,
So sorry I haven’t checked in, well, near forever. It has been so busy in my life; basically I have been doing exams, plays, and music competitions. Actually I have been prepping for my Grade 6 Piano Exam. It’s on this Tuesday; so wish me luck! ;)

Anyway here’s anew review for you. I have finished the book ‘Traitors’ by Tom Becker. Definitely a different type of book to the usual romances I read, rather it is a more sci-fi book.  The book is based around the character, Adam Wilson. He has betrayed his friend, and has thus alerted the ‘Dial’. He is then taken to the ‘Dial’, a prison for other traitors. And as expected of any decent book, the protagonist is running into problems.

The pros of the book are that the book is very short (to me anyway) and is a easy read, as well as the characters are extremely likeable, Adam proves himself to be brave, selfless and kind. The problem is that this is a very unrealistic combination of character traits. However, I find myself favouring another character over Adam.  I particularly enjoyed the character Doughnut. I won’t reveal too much, but what I can say is that he is funny, intelligent and quite frankly relatable.  Additionally the theme, and overall plot is thrilling and exciting.

Something that could be perceived as a con is that some of the ‘twists’ weren’t that unexpected; I was able to navigate my way through the book, easily anticipating some of the events. However the up side to this is that the end is a huge twist. However easy it may have been to anticipate the plot,  the ending was nothing like I expected.

Happy reading! 

 Make peace, not war y'all!

